Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Vote for sanity

The current debacle in realtion to the electoral machinery of this country (Scotland being a case in point) only serves to underline the fact that in Century 21 we really should be moving towards a more sane approach to governance.

Heres a thought: - lets draw up a long list of all the 'issues' that matter then have national competitions to select a representative for each issue (a sideeffect of this is we may get more interesting telly on Saturdays other than "Joseph"). Each rep would then be tasked with arguing the case for that issue which could be put to a telly vote and the winners of this get to kick the current Westminster/Holyrood/Assembly incumbents out and effect their hobby policies and no other...

After all, its not that different from what politicians do anyway - except the sole 'issue' for them is how to stay in power and be 'important'.

Viva La Revolution!!!

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